Hey what's up guys? I haven't had much to say lately. Just been hanging out with the beautiful wife and our tiny egg. He's so cute! I love coming home to him every day! I make it a point to go home for lunch now too.
Anyways, I finally have something I want to rant about! Hurray, let's share my thoughts.
lately I've been feeling like I don't have any friends any more. My so called "friends" don't bother to text me. If I text them I get ignored. I'll even send a secondary text hours later trying to follow up, and I get nothing. It's rude! Any time I try to confront them about it and talk about it I get ignored!
So I tried again this morning. No answer. So I try again and then they ask me why I feel that way, so I explain that I've invested a lot in our friendship and I feel like they're not even trying to interact with me. Feels like they've just written me off and don't care. I've done a lot for these particular two. I was always available at the drop of hat, was there for them during bad times, took off time from work to hang out with them when they felt down But we had a small falling out, basically for the same reasons I'm stating here.
We used to work/run an organization together. I had to have a conversation with them about their poor performance and give some feedback. they took it the wrong way and exploded, threw a tantrum and quit. Literally screaming over our mobile communication devices because I made a comment about needing to be better with time management. A few months later they want a lunch with me to fix our friendship, okay cool. I meet up, we talk, things seem good. More months go by. I text them here and there, they never text me first, and of course mostly ignored, maybe an occasion response.
Fast forward to today where I tell them all the reasons I'm upset and I get told that I can't talk to them this way. I haven't yelled or swore at them, I just was saying how they've been acting and it doesn't come across like they care or want to be friends. Basically saying "Hey the sky is blue" and they throw down the "I'm offended" card.
I think a large reason I can't get along with so many of my old friends is that either A: they don't appear to care and are only interested in their own motives. Which sucks since I give so much to my friendships. Or B: They literally can't receive any kind of feedback because they're too sensitive. These are the folks that scream PC from the top of their lungs but then say racy things behind closed doors. Like come on mate. You can be PC that's fine, but live it or don't. Don't be a hypocrite behind closed doors.
Our world is far too sensitive. It's literally at a point where grown adults cannot receive feedback because it crushes their whole little world to hear they're not perfect, they screwed up, and someone noticed. You don't need to act like you've just died. Just stop doing your bad action. Or keep doing it, but be honest about how you actually feel about a situation. Don't make up lies.
Phew, that's the end of my rant.
In other news Streaming has been really cool! I set up some gaming goals and stuff on my twitch which I encourage you to check out! I stream every Saturday and try to do occasional streams throughout the week.
But we are almost done with FFX Platinum Trophy!!!! I'm very excited! Granted I have done all this on the PS2. But I suppose I need to prove it with the platinum.
Hope you guys have been having it easy and hope things stay cool!
See you guys in the next blog!